
Aircraft Brokerage

Aircraft broker
Aircraft Brokerage

Finding your perfect fit

Active communication, whole process connection and fair procurement

At CAG we like to take the time and get to know our clients to find out exactly what they want. This way we can find the perfect aircraft/helicopter, ground support equipment or aviation component to suit your mission.

We will carry out all the work from the beginning of the process to until the aircraft is in your possession maintaining complete visibility to you.

We provide an unbiased sourcing process and our priority is on getting you the best deal possible to get you up and flying as soon as possible.

Our sourcing and procurement is carried out in accordance with international ICAO requirements, standards and recommended practices and all items purchased are procured in accordance with the technical specifications.

When your asset is unserviceable and you cannot source the right part or component to return it to service, we can help to find the correct item and ensure it is expedited to you ensuring a fast and smooth repair of your unit. We use our global source of contacts and suppliers to find even the hardest to obtain components taking the stress away from you.

We are available at any time of the day to support your operation.

Aircraft modification, upgrade and refurbishment

If you have purchased an older aircraft or your current asset could use a makeover, we will assist to work with you and source the right organisation to perform the work for you. Our duty will be to source an approved supplier to perform the work as well as ensure that they are an approved organisation.

Upgrading avionics systems on board an aircraft is becoming increasingly popular and becoming a necessity. At CAG we have a list of experienced suppliers who can perform the work to your standards. We will work with you to obtain the best quote possible for the work to be performed and follow through from the planning to the performing of the work up until the completion. We are on hand to provide experienced oversight and ensure all work is certified in accordance with the regulatory requirements allowing you to have peace of mind that when your aircraft is ready there will be no hidden surprises.

We represent you during the design phase, meeting with the suppliers to ensure that your vision is realised. CAG will also provide continued oversight as your project is being worked on to make certain it is on schedule and up to the correct standards.

Once your project is complete, we will assess the finalized product ensuring it meets your expectation. In addition, we will review all financial charges to ensure it is within agreed limits and fair.