
Aircraft Brokerage

Aircraft broker
Aircraft Brokerage

Why you need an aircraft broker

An aircraft broker is a person or a company who works with buyers or sellers for the sale and purchase of new or used aircraft.

They are usually involved in the process from the initial discussion through to the closing of the sale. Some aircraft brokers also assist with after sales management of your aircraft purchase, we at CAG also provide a comprehensive management of your aircraft.

Buying or selling an aircraft is a complex process with many pitfalls unaware by most aircraft owners, having a high quality, experienced aircraft broker can help to ensure a turbulent free process and protect you from any additional costs and downtime.

What does an aircraft broker do

Aircraft brokers can be split into two as there is always to sides to a deal, we have the buying side and the selling side. Good, experienced brokers can support both buying or selling. But keep in mind that your broker should only handle one side of the deal for you. This way, firstly you know all of the focus is on your needs. Secondly, there can be a conflict of interest to have the same person or company representing both sides of the sale.

The Selling side
  • There is a lot more involved in the sale of an aircraft then just placing an ad and waiting for offers to come in. your broker should have in-depth knowledge of what buyers are currently looking for, where to find these said buyers and most importantly, get the most out of the sale for your aircraft.
  • The broker selling your aircraft should have a thorough knowledge on the value of your aircraft, they should be able to base the value of your aircraft compared to recent sales and other comparable market currently for sale.
  • They will remain openly transparent and communicate any offers received and provide their professional advice. The broker will then provide guidance or perform the sales process from contracts, deregistering the aircraft from your name or company, deal with any buyers inspections and follow up on reports or questions from either side.
  • Ultimately the broker is there to ensure the best price for your aircraft and ensure a seamless transaction.
The Buying side
  • The broker will start by taking the time to understand your needs and goals from the initial consultation through to selection of aircraft presented to you buy the broker and closing of the sale on your choice of aircraft.
  • It is important to ensure that your broker isn’t affiliated with any other company and no kickbacks or incentives to sell you a particular type of aircraft. The broker should have no conflict of interest or any bias in providing their consultation to you.
  • The buying broker will tap into the market to identify all relevant aircraft for sale. The broker will discuss all available aircraft with you to establish a shortlist of aircraft candidates. Brokers with good selling side experience is also useful as they will know what the selling side of the transaction is looking for enabling them to pre-empt any known issues or warn the buyer of an action which may push the seller away.

Why choose CAG

At CAG we are experienced and handle both buy side and sell side of the aircraft transaction process. When you hire us we are 100% committed to you and ensuring your needs are met.

We understand this process can be daunting and complex, so we do all of the work behind the scenes so you can enjoy your aircraft sooner or the cash coming in from the sale of your aircraft.

Our team of brokers at CAG have 15 years of experience, working in both the aviation maintenance and engineering as well as finance with expertise in aviation regulations and law on a global scale. This includes IATA regulations as well as national authorities (American FAA, European EASA, Chinese CAAC, Australian CASA, etc.). With this knowledge and expertise in operating in different countries we are able to work on an international scale rather then restrict ourselves. This gives you greater opportunities and a larger market when looking to buy or sell.

We will carry out a physical pre-purchase inspection of your aircraft you plan to buy. If you are selling, we will also perform the same detailed inspection so that you are aware of what other buyers are looking for.

The benefits in choosing CAG as your aircraft brokers

  • We carry out a detailed market analysis and provide accurate price benchmarking.
  • We carry out global advertisement including all types of media (print, digital, word of mouth)
  • Price negotiations and after sales support

Aircraft upgrades and modification

  • Purchasing an older aircraft does not mean it needs to look out. We offer comprehensive support to source and arrange upgrading to your aircraft’s interior and exterior, making it look brand new straight from the production line.
  • Upgrades can also be required in accordance with national authority mandates or SB’s from the aircraft manufacturer. To ensure your aircraft remains compliant and airworthy we will undertake the necessary actions to comply.
  • With all of the latest glass cockpits it Is becoming common to upgrade your aircrafts instrumentation. CAG can assist in sourcing the best products and installation for your price range.

An overview of our inspection covers the following

  • Airframe
  • Engine/Propeller
  • Installed equipment
  • Airworthiness Directives and Service Bulletins
  • Damage History
  • Paint/Interior condition

All of the above are checked for condition, compliance, hidden damage, all documentation matches what is installed on the aircraft, service hours are up to date, maintenance and overhaul is completed regularly, documented and on time.

All of this is included in our detailed report. This report also looks at other aspects which you may not have considered, an example is an analysis of the spare parts market for your aircraft/equipment type. This can affect you later on when in the maintenance shop and you need to replace certain items.

After sales support

  • After the purchase or sale of your new aircraft, the work doesn’t stop. If you are selling your aircraft there is still paperwork to do involving de-registration, perhaps as part of the deal to sell there was a clause in the contract which requires you to perform maintenance, make adjustments or modifications. Our team at CAG will ensure everything is done in compliance to all aviation regulations and the contract is fulfilled.
  • Buying an aircraft is the simple part, looking after and managing your new purchase is the next challenge. Some items that need to be considered include:
  • Registering your aircraft
  • Finding an approved maintenance organisation to maintain the airworthiness of your aircraft
  • Carrying out any outstanding maintenance issues
  • Relocating your aircraft from the place of purchase to your local airport
  • Insurance for your aircraft and aviation activities


CAG we offer competitive and flexible payment options for our services. The price will vary depending on the service you want. For a brief overview refer below (all prices in U.S. dollars):

  • For aircraft under $100,000 we will charge 10% of the purchase/selling price
  • For aircraft from $100,000 to $1,000,000 we will charge 5% of the purchase/selling price
  • For aircraft over $1,000,000 the charge is 1.5% of the purchase/selling price.

All of our fees are negotiable and upfront. Once we have agreed upon the fees, there will be no hidden or additional charges to you.

Contact us at any time for a detailed pricing list and to start the process for you.